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Tim Hopgood Author/Illustrator



Joyce Dunbar's new book Twinkle, Twinkle, Squiglet Pig is out tomorrow! It's my first collaboration with another author. I must admit I was a little apprehensive about illustrating someone else's story having only ever illustrated my own, but I couldn't resist Squiglet Pig's optimism and charm!

One of the things I loved about this project was the dark, underwater world where the story is set. It's quite unusual to have a picture book set entirely in the dark! Vibrant colourful artwork is what publishers usually want to see. I was really keen to create backgrounds that were as dark as possible, so the colour in the book (and don't worry,there is plenty!) is provided by an array of quirky colourful fishy characters. Some are tiny, but set against the dark backgrounds they shine out like precious jewels. 

I should also mention Ulla Valentiner, the designer of the book. Ulla certainly had her work cut out for her on this project. It was a big challenge making sure the type remained legible throughout while keeping the backgrounds rich and dark. Thank you Ulla!

On Thursday July 4th, Joyce and I will be at The Book Hive in Norwich for the official launch of Twinkle, Twinkle, Squiglet Pig so if you're in the area do pop along (6.30 - 8.30 pm) and say hello.